
Chairman’s Message

Dr. C. Purna Chandra Rao

In our fast-changing world, education can no longer be merely an information-delivery system. It cannot be one-size-fits-all. Its central purpose must transcend literacy, numeracy, and knowledge of facts that help the child prepare for exams and evaluations. Education must prepare the child for real life beyond the classroom, board, and books.

For this, education must provide a wholesome experience for the child, catering to their social, emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive development needs. Only this whole-child approach can help the child not only learn to practice a healthy lifestyle but also forge a more just, peaceful, and tolerant value-based society.

We have ingrained this as our guiding philosophy. Our history so far demonstrates that we don’t just believe in this approach; we have actually internalized it to help the child pedagogically and developmentally. We have been quite successful in ensuring that each child is engaged, nurtured, challenged, and supported. We take pride in the fact that we have been able to create and sustain a learning environment that is physically and emotionally safe for children, encouraging them to explore and discover their potential.

At this point, I wish to acknowledge with pride and gratitude the immense contribution from all our stakeholders, especially the parents and the staff who have stood with us during difficult times and have risen above themselves to ensure the success of our children.

We are confident that our children, prepared for success in later life, will become active leaders and contributors in our nation-building in a fast-changing global stage.

American philosopher and thinker John Dewey once declared, “Education is not just for life; education is life itself.”

I cannot agree more.

Director’s Message

Mrs. Sarada Chandrasekaran

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – W.B. Yeats

At Global Toddlers, our primary goal is to ignite an everlasting love for learning and exploration. We ardently embrace the most current and research-supported teaching techniques to craft an inspiring curriculum. Our innovative ASK curriculum focuses on active learning and is firmly grounded in age-appropriate education for toddlers.

Our ASK curriculum is a comprehensive approach that engages the inquisitive minds, energizes the young bodies, and nurtures the spirits of each Toddler, resonating throughout every activity.

Through this approach, we aim to spark and nurture the inherent curiosity and imagination of our little ones with thoughtfully designed  age appropriate activities .Our objective is to instill a love for knowledge, equip them with basic tools to explore, and encourage them to understand, apply, and share this knowledge, fostering independence and a sense of responsibility.

Beyond basic learning, our ASK curriculum fosters fundamental values crucial for future success. It strengthens the toddlers’ capabilities for exploration and learning, instilling essential skills like collaboration, basic problem-solving, adaptability, and fundamental communication.

In this manner, we ensure that each Global Toddler not only learns to respect nature but also becomes a caring individual, an inquisitive learner, and a participative member in their learning journey. They’ll learn to appreciate the world around them while nurturing a sense of curiosity and responsibility.

Our dedication is to cultivate globally-minded toddlers, nurturing their love for exploration and learning from the earliest stages of their educational journey.

Headmistress's Message


Dear Parent Greetings!

Learning to learn is in the fun of learning. I believe that children should be taught how to think not what to think. Children do not move, think or speak in a straight-line neither does imagination nor creativity. In Global Toddlers we allow every child to think and explore beyond the horizon.

We all promise to impart impartial and global education to each and every child. There is complete transparency in our mode of teaching and parents are continuously made aware of the day to day happening in school. Here in GT we strive for perfection and inculcate the same in our children. Every child from day one is encouraged to question, and every question is answered. 

Toddlers are truly a unique and special group of learners. They are at a stage in life where every experience is a new adventure, every discovery is a cause for celebration, and every challenge is an opportunity for growth. It is our privilege to witness their remarkable development and support them as they take their first steps in the world of education. Our specially designed ASK curriculum helps us to address the little minds of these inquisitive learners, our toddlers.

In our nurturing and stimulating environment, our dedicated teachers work tirelessly to create a safe, engaging, and loving space for our toddlers to thrive. Through play-based learning, interactive activities, and hands-on experiences, we help them develop essential skills, including language acquisition, fine and gross motor skills, and social interactions. Our toddlers are not just learning; they are laying the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

We witness their infectious laughter, their boundless enthusiasm, and their unquenchable curiosity. These qualities not only shape their early educational experiences but also set the stage for success in their future academic endeavours.

As Dr APJ Abdul Kalam had said “All of us do not have equal talent. But all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents”. In GT we strive to provide equal opportunity to each and every child to develop his /her talents.

Looking forward to your complete trust and cooperation to help enrich and brighten the future of these little ones who are the future generation of this changing world.


Regards and best wishes

Mrs Bibhudutta Satpathy

HM – Global Toddlers